Middle & High School
Classroom and Afterschool Activities
Southern Vermont AHEC staff are happy to visit any classroom (middle school, high school, college) or afterschool program to provide health career exploration activities, resources, and materials. Presentations can be tailored to any topic and audience.
Some popular presentation modules include:
- Introduction/Overview of Health Careers with an activity on how to research career information online
- Healthcare Teamwork Simulation Activity with Potato head toys
- Therapeutic/Clinical Careers with suture activity
- Mental/Behavioral Health Careers with self-care kit activity
- Public Health Careers with health empathy activity
To schedule any of the listed activity options for your classroom or group, or to propose something new, please contact: Amanda Richardson, Director of Health Careers Exploration at [email protected]

Health Career Exploration Activities and Presentations
Project PAVE (Pathways by AHECs using VR Education)
Southern Vermont AHEC is one of 7 regions nationally to receive federal funds via the National AHEC Organization’s US Department of Labor Workforce Pathways grant. These funds will enable us to bring virtual reality technologies for health career exploration and skill-building to youth ages 14-21.
We are looking to partner with schools and youth-serving organizations to share the amazing VR modules by Transfr with youth during out-of-school time in Southern Vermont.

HERO (Health Education Resources and Opportunities) Afterschool Program
HERO is an afterschool program connecting middle and high school students to health professionals who have volunteered to engage in activities focused on exploring health careers. The goal of the program is to increase health literacy and career planning for participating students.
The program currently works with 7-12th graders attending Rutland City Public Schools Allen Street Campus but welcomes expansion to other afterschool programs in Southern Vermont.

Two students from Allen Street Campus in Rutland, VT, along with faculty members Betty Hughes and Carol Renfrow, are in the sterilization room at Rutland Regional Medical Center.

Two MedQuest students practicing CPR on a mannequin used in the simulation lab at Rutland Regional Medical Center.
MedQuest is our longstanding program for high school youth to explore health careers.
We will be launching MedQuest Pop-Ups around our region. More details coming soon! To sign up for notifications about MedQuest opportunities email [email protected]

Governor’s Institutes of Vermont (GIV) Health & Medicine Institute
In partnership with VT AHEC, the Governor’s Institutes of Vermont (GIV) is now accepting applications for the summer 2025 residential programs. At the Health & Medicine Institute, you’ll gain hands on training, real world exposure to health care careers, and earn essential certifications like CPR, First Aid, and Stop the Bleed.
Northern Session (July 6-12) @Vermont State University Lyndon
Southern Session (July 13-19) @ Vermont State University Castleton
Submit an application for the Governor’s Institutes of Vermont| GIV
Join the learning adventure of a lifetime this summer! Ignite your creativity and find your community at the Governor’s Institutes of Vermont.
APPLY NOW www.giv.org/apply before March 31, 2025.
368 River Street, Suite 145
Springfield, VT 05156
p. 802-885-2126
f. 802-885-2128
e. [email protected]
Open Monday - Friday, 8AM - 4PM.
Media Contacts & Inquiries
Media members may contact Marketing & Communications Manager, Peg Bolgioni during normal business hours.
802.885.2126 x10