National CHW

Awareness Week

Vermont CHWs are joining all our sisters and brothers from across the country, by CELEBRATING the renewed promise and power of CHWs across our state—from rural communities, to small towns to our cities!

From a moment to a statewide movement, we are organizing to unite and strengthen our powerful voices into an ALLIANCE to increase awareness of our identity and the unique impacts of our work across diverse settings!

Here is a photo of the Vermont CHWs Leaders who attended this event. L-R: CHW leaders Debbie from St. Johnsbury, Amy from Townshend, Sasha from Burlington, Becky from Bennington, Cecilia in northwest VT, Meghan from Rutland and Maddie in Burlington. They were joyfully joined by VT CHW Workforce ALLIANCE Project Director, Katina Cummings (Southern VT AHEC).